Spring Boot Security
Context diagrams These diagrams are based on the idea of State Diagrams
Public Endpoints
POST /api/auth/signup
Message properties
| fields | Description |
| :——— | :————————————————————– |
| email
| The user email address |
| username
| The username which has to be unique in database |
| password
| The user choice of password that has to meet certain conditions |
Response Properties
"jwt": {The generated jwt token for the user},
"_links": {
"urls": {
"href": {api/urls/{user-id}}
Status code
| fields | Description |
| :—– | :——————————————– |
| 400
| Validation failed: password not strong enough |
| 409
| Username or email already taken |
POST /api/auth/login
Message properties
| fields | Description |
| :——— | :————————————————————– |
| username
| The username which has to be unique in database |
| password
| The user choice of password that has to meet certain conditions |
Response Properties
"jwt": {The generated jwt token for the user},
"_links": {
"urls": {
"href": {/api/urls/{user-id}}
Status code
| fields | Description |
| :—– | :———————————— |
| 404
| Username does not exists |
| 401
| Invalid credentials, invalid password |
GET /api/urls/{shortURLId}
Response Properties
"shortUrlId": {The shortUrlId generated by the shortener service},
"longUrl": {The original longUrl given by the user},
"userId": {User-id},
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": {/api/urls/{user-id}}
"urls": {
"href": {/api/urls}
Status code
| fields | Description |
| :—– | :—————————————- |
| 404
| Url withi this shortUrlId does not exists |
Authenticated Endpoints
POST /api/urls
Message properties
| fields | Description |
| :———– | :———————————————— |
| shortUrlId
| Blank, will be generated by the Shortener service |
| longUrl
| The long Url given by the user to shorten |
| userId
| The User Id |
Response Properties
"shortUrlId": {The shortUrlId generated by the shortener service},
"longUrl": {The original longUrl given by the user},
"userId": {User-id},
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": {/api/urls/{user-id}}
"urls": {
"href": {/api/urls}
Status code
| fields | Description |
| :—– | :——————————- |
| 400
| Validation failed, URL constrain |
GET /api/urls
Path Variables
| Variables | Description |
| :——– | :—————————– |
| size
| The size of the paginated page |
| page
| The page number |
Response Properties
"_embedded": {
"urls": [
"shortUrlId": {The shortUrlId generated by the shortener service},
"longUrl": {The original longUrl given by the user},
"userId": {User-id},
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": {/api/urls/{user-id}}
"urls": {
"href": {/api/urls}
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": {The current HAL link}
"page": {
"size": {The size of each page},
"totalElements": {The total number of URL links},
"totalPages": {The total number of pages},
"number": {0-indexed page number}
Status code
| fields | Description |
| :—– | :————————————— |
| 404
| Url with this shortUrlId does not exists |
DELETE /api/urls/{shortURLId}
Response Properties
"success": {Boolean, whether or not it was successful or not}
Status code
| fields | Description |
| :—– | :————————————— |
| 404
| Url with this shortUrlId does not exists |
I chose a NoSql design because of the high read-write requests that will be expected of the application. The only purpose of using a relational database for this application is the consideration of race-conditions where 2 users decide to shorten a longUrl with the shortening algorithm generating a similar shortUrlId (In the case of a distributed environment), the use of a relational database will be able to ensure consistency of data. However in a NoSql database this isn’t the case and could cause an issue. A point in consideration is to seperate the shortener service to a microservice that has its own independent relational database to generate the shortUrlIds.
I chose to use a simple random generator for the shortUrlId with a backoff algorithm that will sent out an error just in case it took too long to generate a random shortUrlId.
I did not use a base conversion technique. While it make ensure uniqueness in the generation of the shortUrlId, the generation is in linear order and could be predictable. I didn’t use a hashing algorithm because of the possibility of a collision that could happen, while it is unlikely.
I chose to use @ControllerAdvice
global exception handling instead of using ResponseStatusExcepion
handling because I don’t want to fill my controllers with many try-catch
blocks and I still find myself needing to create exception classes to handle different errors. ResponseStatusException
goal was to try to fix this, but this is mainly for the same exception type but providing the flexibility of sending different status error code which doesn’t fit in my user.